Sunday, February 20, 2022

The Twins 7th in the Background Series


     The three year old was awakened by the sound of the pipes coming to life. She rubbed her eyes, pulled her pink blanket closer to the face, and rolled over. 

 "Wuth wake up." She said to her twin sister asleep next to her. 

 A couple other families needed the cribs the twins used to sleep in, so with some trading they had big girl beds. Rebecca hated being alone, so every night she'd crawl into bed with Ruth. Ruth didn't mind. She always knew when her sister joined her. No matter how deep asleep she was, she always grabbed Rebecca's hand.

"Wuth, wake up!" She said again this time nudging her sister. 

Ruth yawned and her eyes fluttered open. 

"Becca", she smiled as they headed to find their mother, Bessie. They ran into her outside their chamber.


"Rebecca Joy, what did I tell you about that blanket?" Bessie scolded. 

"It stays in bed."

"So where does it go?"

Rebecca held her blanket tighter as she returned it to her bed.

 "Now that's a good girl. Let's get you girls dressed. Today's a big day."

 "It's our birthday!" Ruth spoke up excitedly. 

"Yes, today you both turn four." She said as she tied a green ribbon in Rebecca's hair. 

 Ruth reached up to play with the pink ribbon in her own hair. 

"Momma, why do we wear ribbons in our hair?" Ruth asked.

Bessie sighed. It was the same question day after day. 

Does she ever listen? When will she stop asking?

"Some gwownups can't tell us apawt. They know I always weaw a gween wibbon."

 "Rebecca, say green ribbon." She said while emphasizing the R. 

"G.. g.. green." Rebecca took a deep breath before concentrating on the next word. 

"R… R.. Ribbon."

"Good girl. Now let's go to breakfast."

Bessie grabbed each of their hands and led them to the dining chamber. 

 William broke out in a grin when he saw the two birthday girls, and he carried their plates to the table they chose. 

 Rebecca's eyes went wide at the smiley face pancake William sat before her. The eyes were slices of banana, the nose a whole strawberry, and the mouth was a line of pecans. 

 "Thank you William." Rebecca grinned, as she snatched the strawberry and took a bite. 

 He winked at her and sat Ruth's plate in front of her.

 "Fried potatoes with sausage gravy. My favorite! Thank you William."


 "You're welcome ladies." 

"William, how in the world do you remember not only everyone's birthday but what their favorite breakfasts are?" Bessie asked in amazement. 

 "I have it all written down. There's no way my brain could remember everyone." He laughed before heading back to the kitchen. 

 As they were eating, eight year old Vincent approached the girls. 

"Happy birthday Rebecca and Ruth. I have a gift for you." He held out a book. 

"What book is it mother?" Ruth asked. 

"It's Kipling's Jungle book. Oh girls, you're going to love this book. I'll read some of it to you before nap time. What do you tell Vincent, girls?"

"Thank you Vincent." They both sang in unison. 

Rebecca jumped up out of her chair and gave Vincent a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"I w…" Rebecca stopped to concentrate on her words. 

" you Vincent." She replied as she gave him a hug. 

 "I must go. Class starts soon." He said before running off with Lisa and Devin. 

"How are my special girls this morning?"

"Mary!!" Ruth yelled as they both went flying into her arms. 


"I made something for you." She handed them both a soft package that was wrapped in a small doll quilt. She had embroidered their names on the quilts. 

Their eyes danced in glee when they opened the tiny quilts. Inside each girl was given a handmade rag doll. They were identical.

 "Oh. Ma..ry, I love it!" Rebecca sighed.

 Mary grinned and knelt down to their level. 

"As soon as you find good names for them, I will sew their name on their shirt, so everyone can tell them apart."


3 years later..

The tunnel community was abuzz with the Winterfest preparations. 


"Momma, may I PLEASE help you with the candles this year?" Begged seven year old Rebecca. 

"Why do you want to help? It's boring and takes forever." Ruth spoke up. 

"It's fascinating how a simple wick can become a candle. Please momma?" Rebecca turned back towards Bessie. 

"Rebecca we have gone through this over and over. I'm only going to tell you one last time. No. You may not help me. You're too young and the wax is too hot. What if you got burned?

"I won't." Rebecca whined. 

Bessie sighed with frustration. 

 "Rebecca, when you turn thirteen, you may help with the candles."

"Come on Rebecca cheer up. We get to deliver candles this year. Just think how amazing it will be to go Uptop by ourselves." Ruth piped up excitedly.

"Speaking of which. Aren't you girls supposed to be in Father's library right now? 

Ruth's eyes grew large. 

 "I forgot. We better hurry."

Ruth raced to Father's library with Rebecca on her heels. Every child and teen was excitedly whispering to each other. 

Father cleared his throat to get their attention, and waited for the chatter to stop. 

"This year will be Ruth, Rebecca, Molly, and Samuel's first year to deliver candles. I need four older children to assist these newer ones. Are there any volunteers?"

Rebecca decided to slip out before being paired up. 

I've heard stories of Uptop. I don't want to go. 

 As she slowly backed up she bumped into someone.

"Don't you want to deliver candles?" a soft voice whispered behind her. 

  Rebecca shook her head and turned toward eleven year old Vincent. 

 "I don't want to go Uptop. I'm afraid."

Vincent stared at the young girl a long while before he stepped forward.

"Do we not have ANY volunteers? May I remind you older ones how frightened some of you were the first time you delivered Winterfest candles?" Father sternly said. 

Several heads bowed in guilt. 

"If it's alright, I will escort Rebecca." Vincent spoke up. 

Rebecca sighed with relief. 

Nothing can hurt me if Vincent is with me. 

"Vincent, NO!" Father said with both fear and anger in his voice while still trying to keep his voice calm. 

"We will go at night. I'll wear my cloak that Mary made for me. We will be safe."

Father shook his head. 

"Above is never safe for you Vincent. You KNOW that. Besides your deliveries are always to our community."

 All of the children looked at Vincent with sympathy. They've heard a thousand different versions of this same conversation more times than they could remember. Mostly on Halloween nights. 

"What if I go with them? Then I'll help Vincent deliver the candles Below tomorrow." 13 year old Pascal spoke up. 

"What about the pipes? Would your father be able to spare you?" Father questioned. 

"He told me I could deliver candles. He'd probably be relieved that I'd be going at night.. There's rarely any messages after 8pm anyway. It's only during the day that he needs me."

There was complete silence as Father considered the options, and looked at the three hopeful faces.  

"Alright alright. Rebecca, Vincent and Pascal may go, but deliver your candles and return as soon as you're finished. No dawdling. Understand?"

All three children nodded. They could hear audible sighs of relief from the other children. 

Rebecca took a side glance at Pascal. He rarely ever had time to be with the other children. He was allowed to attend classes, but he normally ate and slept in the pipe chamber. Pascal noticed Rebecca staring, and he gave a shy smile and winked at her. She blushed and quickly turned her attention back to Father. 

"Remember, be back before nightfall!" 

  The children took their lists and disappeared with their baskets of candles. 

Rebecca frowned as she watched Ruth laughing as she ran off with Mitch. He's a troublemaker. I hope he doesn't do something stupid to get her into trouble.

Father too noticed who Ruth decided to pair up with and called Devin aside. 

 "Follow Ruth and make sure Mitch doesn't cause trouble for her."

"Why should I?" Devin glared.

Father sighed

"If anything happens to Ruth, I'm holding you responsible."

"Why me? Mitch should be responsible."

"You're the oldest."

 Devin knew that was Father's go to answer when the matter was closed.  Instead of arguing, he begrudgingly ran off after Ruth and Mitch. 

Rebecca sighed with relief. Devin was kinder and nicer than Mitch. Mitch was a bully and made the smaller children cry. Devin would always come to their rescue. He's gotten into several fist fights with Mitch. No matter what the children would say, Father always punished Devin. Mitch would get by with just a scolding.  

A hand on her shoulder brought Rebecca to the present. 

 "Rebecca, you should sleep. We will be up late tonight. I will wake you when it's time to leave." Vincent said gently. 

Rebecca smiled and headed to her chamber. 


A few hours later Rebecca was startled awake by her sister. 

 "Hey sleepy head. You HAVE to try this." Ruth grinned as she held a glass bottle toward her. 

"Coca-Cola? What's that?" Rebecca asked as she took the bottle and smelled the contents. 

 "It's what they drink Uptop, and it's so much better than the boring tea we drink."

Rebecca took a drink and coughed. She wrinkled her nose as she pushed the bottle back. 

 "It tickles my nose."

Ruth laughed. 

"Yeah, isn't it great?" 

"I don't like it."

"Well, maybe you'll like this." Ruth said as she pulled out a bag of potato chips.

"Where did you get these?" Rebecca asked as she tried a chip. 

 "Mitch got it for me."

"How did you pay for them?"

"He said we didn't need money. He said stores let us take them for free. I stood outside and Mitch went in and got them. When he came out he told me to run. It was the greatest game." Ruth sighed as she fell back onto the bed. 

"You stole them?" Rebecca whispered shocked that her sister would even consider stealing. 

"I did nothing. Mitch did it. Not me."

Rebecca glare softened. 

"So what's it like? Uptop?"

Ruth sighed again. 

"It's amazing. There are things called taxis and cars. People get into and ride. There are so many people. So many more than here."

Rebecca sat up taller.

"Did you ride in a taxi?" 

"Yes, well only for a block. When the taxi stopped at the next light we got out and ran." Ruth giggled. 

"Why did you have to run? And what's a light?"

Rebecca asked confused. 

"Well. We told the driver we had to go several blocks, and we just went one. You have to pay for the ride, and since we didn't have money, we jumped out and ran. A stoplight tells people when it's safe to cross intersections."

"SEE!!! YOU DID STEAL!" Rebecca pointed her finger at her sister. 

"Keep your voice down. It was just a harmless prank. It's fine. Nothing happened. Stop being a baby."

Both girls were silent for a moment before Ruth remembered something.. 

"Oh,there are buildings so tall they touch the clouds."

"That's impossible." Rebecca whispered wide eyed. 

"It's possible." Vincent said as he entered the chamber. 

He caught a quick glimpse of Ruth hiding an empty bottle and a bag of chips under her pillow. 

Mitch. He shook his head in disappointment, but turned his attention to Rebecca.

"Are you ready?"

Rebecca nervously nodded as she let out a ragged breath. 

He took her by the hand. 

"I remember my first visit Above. I too was frightened, but if you stay in the shadows it will be safe. I'll be near." He said as he gently took Rebecca's hand. 

 "Oh go on. Quit being a baby." Ruth quickly added. 

Rebecca chose to ignore her sister and allowed Vincent to lead her out. 

 Pascal met them at the park entrance. 

"I was wondering if you were coming." He joked. 

Rebecca took a nervous breath and looked around her. This isn't too terrible. 

Vincent picking up on her uneasiness, gently beckoned her to follow him. He led her to a clearing. 

"Look up."

Rebecca looked up and gasped. The moon was full and bright. 

Vincent gave a small chuckle. 

"I felt the same way the first time I saw it." 

"Come on you two. Father has only given us two hours to deliver our candles and get back to the park entrance. He's promised to send out a search team if we're not back in time. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't have a couple men waiting for us there now."

"You're right Pascal, let's hurry so we don't betray his trust."

Rebecca nodded and the trio took off. They only had 20 deliveries and all in the same area. 

"Leave it to Father to figure out how to get us back in the shortest time possible. Let's divide the candles up. We'd get finished in a third of the time. We can all three deliver the first two so Rebecca has an idea how to do it, then we will go off alone." Pascal stated.

All three agreed and they went off. 

 It only took an hour to deliver all twenty candles. Rebecca was ready to go home. Above was ok, but she would feel safer at home. 

 In no time they found themselves at the entrance to the park. 

"Last one home is a rotten egg." Pascal shouted as he took of running. 

Rebecca gave Vincent a mischievous look before taking off at a full run. Vincent laughed as he quickly passed her. Pascal looked back in time to see Vincent gaining. He tried to speed up, but Vincent caught up easily and passed him. 


Vincent stopped abruptly and spun around to see who was hurt. Rebecca was on the ground clinging to her left knee. 

Vincent ran back toward her. 

"You're going the wrong way."  Pascal laughed as Vincent passed him. 

"What happened?" Vincent asked as he plopped down beside her. 

"I don't know. My foot hit a hole and I felt my knee pop. It hurts." Rebecca cried.

"Can you stand?"

"I d...d..don't know."

"I'll help you."

Vincent helped her to her feet, and she tried to put her weight on the knee. 

"Ouch. I'm sorry Vincent." Rebecca sobbed. 

"What's going on?" Pascal asked as he jogged up to them. 

"Rebecca fell and hurt her knee. She can't walk."

Vincent turned toward Rebecca.

"Can you climb onto my back? I'll carry you."

"Vincent, we are at least half a mile from the tunnels. There's no way you can carry her that far." Pascal stated in alarm. 

"I'm much stronger than I let on sometimes. Especially when my loved ones need me. Remember last summer when we were playing in the Great Hall?" Vincent asked as he hoisted Rebecca onto his back. 

 "How can I forget? Winslow fell down the stairs and knocked his head on the step. He was out cold, and you picked him up as if he weighed nothing and carried him all the way to Father's chamber. We never could figure out how you did that. I mean if it was baby Jamie, then yeah. But Winslow? He's not a little boy." Pascal marvelled.

"Honestly, I don't know how it happens either. It's almost as if I get extra strength whenever I need it." 

Vincent stood up and headed slowly to the tunnel entrance. 

"I'll run ahead and get help." Pascal stated before sprinting off.

 Five minutes later, two men came running toward Vincent and Rebecca.

 "Father made us promise to wait for you three. My heart was pounding when Pascal came in alone calling for help." One of them said as he took Rebecca off Vincent's back. 

He carried her like a baby back to Father. 

 "What's this?" Father bellowed as the small group came into the chamber. 

"Rebecca fell and hurt her knee." Vincent spoke up. 

Father started feeling Rebecca's knee after they set her down in the chair. He looked up briefly to give Vincent a stern stare. 

"What would've happened if this had happened to you?" He asked Vincent. 

"I would've ran for help, like I did this time." Pascal spoke up. 

"And I would've stayed with him. I couldn't carry him like he did me, but he could've leaned on me." Rebecca chimed in. 

"Besides, we would've gotten him home safe." Rebecca continued as she glared at Father. 

Pascal walked over and stood directly beside Rebecca. 

"She's right. Becca and I would've carried him ourselves if we needed to." Pascal said as he placed his hand on Rebecca's shoulder to calm her.

 He and Vincent made eye contact.

Is that appreciation? Pascal thought. 

"We would NEVER EVER leave him." Pascal turned his attention back to Father.

Rebecca nodded in agreement. 

Father went back to examining the knee. 

"Well young lady. Your knee isn't broken. Only sprained. You will have to rest for at least two weeks." Father turned to Pascal

"Send a message out to Peter. Let him know we have a need for some pain reliever, a knee brace and a pair of crutches. Also if it's not too much to ask, some ice."

"Rebecca are you alright?" Bessie ran into the chamber worried to death about her daughter. 

"I'm fine Momma. Just a sprained knee."

"With some bed rest and a pillow under her knee she should be up and running in no time." Father spoke up. 

Bessie let out a sigh, and turned to pick up her daughter. Vincent noticed it was just a few minutes past midnight. 

"If we go to bed now, we will be ready for tomorrow's activities."

"Only you can make chores sound like a fun adventure." Pascal chuckled as he placed his hand on Vincent's shoulder.

"WAIT." Rebecca called after her friends. 

They both stopped and turned around. 

"I was wondering if I could go with you both next year to deliver candles."

"You still want to go, even after your injury?" Pascal asked in surprise. 

"Sometimes we have to fall to learn how to get back up." Rebecca replied. 

Vincent pondered her reply, and a ghost of a smile fluttered across his face.

"Of course you may join us next year." Pascal answered with a smile of his own. 

Winterfest, a year later. 

"You look tired Rebecca." Vincent stated. 

"Of course I'm not. I just don't see how you find chess entertaining." Rebecca yawned. 

"Perhaps we should stop the game?"

Rebecca smiled. 

"You were beating me anyway." Rebecca laughed. 

Vincent was about to answer when they were interrupted. 

"Vincent, may I speak to you alone for a moment?" Devin asked. 

"Of course. Let's find a place to be alone."

They left the great hall to find a quiet place. 

"What's wrong?" Vincent asked. 

"Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to give you your Winterfest gift without everyone seeing. Especially Father.."

Devin beamed as he handed Vincent a gift. 

Vincent opened the cloth wrapped gift. Inside was a pocket watch. 

"I can't accept this Devin. Father gave this to you for your 13th birthday." Vincent said as he gently rubbed the tarnished silver cover with his thumb.

"Please Vincent. You're my brother. I really need you to have this. Listen, I have a splitting headache and need to lie down for a while. Promise me you'll keep it forever."

"If you're sure. Then thank you Devin."

"You're welcome little brother."

Devin watched as Vincent walked back to the hall. 

"Goodbye Vincent." He whispered. 

The emergency code on the pipes woke the twins up. 

"What time is it?" Ruth asked. 

"Little past 2 o'clock in the morning." Rebecca yawned and rubbed her eyes. 

Both girls froze and stared at each other, as they listened to the pipes.


The girls jumped out of bed and grabbed their robes. Once they left their chamber they saw people with lanterns running in different directions calling for Devin. The urgency filled the girls with dread. 

Ruth ran straight to Father's chamber. Rebecca started after, but changed her mind and ran in the opposite direction. 

She could hear crying before she reached the chamber entrance. She peaked in to see Vincent sitting on Mary's lap sobbing.

Mary was holding him tight while shedding tears of her own.  

"May I come in?" Rebecca asked gently.

 Vincent looked up, and nodded.

Rebecca tiptoed over and sat on the bed close to the chair Mary was occupying.

 "Why don't you visit with Rebecca for awhile while I see if there's any news." Mary said as she helped Vincent off her lap. 

 She gave Vincent a long hug before leaving the chamber. 

Rebecca reached over, and took his hand. 

"It's going to be ok. They'll find him." She reassured him as she squeezed his hand. 

"I don't think so. He gave me this last night." 

Vincent held out the watch. 

"I think this was his way of saying goodbye." Vincent sobbed. 

Rebecca squeezed into the chair beside him, and laid her head on his shoulder. 

"Everything will be ok. I promise."

Weeks went by without any sign of Devin. At the beginning everyone participated in the search, but by the second month the numbers of those still searching was reduced to only a few. 

  No one was as excited at Devin's disappearance than Ruth. 

 "Where do you think he is now?" Ruth asked.

 This was her nightly question as the sisters laid in their beds. 

"I don't know Ruth." Rebecca answered angrily. 

"I'll tell you what, if he comes back I'm going to slap him. Father and Vincent are so sad now."

  Ruth sat up in bed.

"Don't you care that he is out there living life and having fun?" 

"No. He's selfish. He could've told someone."

Ruth sighed. 

"One day I'm going to live Above." Ruth said as she plopped back on her bed. 

The statement startled Rebecca. She'd always pictured the two of them getting married, having children, and making candles for the community together.

"You're really going to leave?"

"Yes, as soon as I turn eighteen."

Ruth narrowed her eyes at her sister. 

"You can't tell ANYONE. Promise?"

Rebecca sighed.

"Promise." She said sadly. 

Eleven years… Just eleven years to change her mind.

5 years later

Rebecca stretched to look at the clock. 

9 AM?? How did we sleep so late?

"RUTH WAKE UP!!" Rebecca threw her pillow at her sister. 

"We're late!"

That got Ruth's attention. 

The girls quickly changed and Ruth took off to their class. 

"I'm going to check in on momma. Tell Father I'll be there soon."

Ruth rolled her eyes and continued. 

Rebecca peaked in her mother's chamber. 

"Momma?" She asked as she saw her momma on the bed. 

"Out of bed sleepy head. We're all la…" Her words died on her lips. 

"Momma?" She whispered as she took her mother's cold hand. 

Tears flowed down Rebecca's cheeks as she ran to her sister.. 

"RUTH!" Rebecca shouted as she disrupted the class. 

Father was about to lecture the girl about promptness, until he saw her face. 

"Rebecca, why are you crying? Did momma yell at you?" Ruth asked. 

"Ruth, momma passed." 

Rebecca heard gasps as she saw Father rush out of the chamber. 

Ruth just sat in shock. Some girls gathered around Ruth forgetting about Rebecca. Vincent walked over to Rebecca and pulled her into a hug. His shirt was damp from her tears. 

  Ruth saw them and glared at her sister. 

"You love him!" Ruth stormed into the chamber after the memorial service. 



Rebecca laughed at the suggestion. 

"You're funny."

"This isn't fair Rebecca. You KNOW I love him. Why do you think I always sit beside him everyday during class? I won't let you take him from me."

Rebecca stared at her sister as if she had grown a second head. 

 "I do not. I couldn't care less if you sit beside him." 

"You're always with him." Ruth's anger was starting to get the better of her. 

Rebecca narrowed her brows. 

"We just lost our mother for crying out loud. Vincent was just being…. Vincent." 

"I DON'T CARE. I HATE YOU, AND I'M NEVER SPEAKING YOU EVER AGAIN!!" Ruth screamed. She turned away from her sister and pouted. 

Rebecca stood up and stormed out of the chamber. 

A walk will do me good.. 

She needed to be alone. 

What am I supposed to do now? Rebecca thought to herself as she aimlessly roamed the tunnels.  

She thought I was in love with him? He's just my brother. 

Rebecca stopped and leaned against the wall. 

Perhaps I should apologize and smooth things over. 

"Rebecca, is everything alright?"

Rebecca sighed. 

"Yes, Vincent. Just a small spat with Ruth."

"Would talking about it help?"

Rebecca blushed, and shook her head.

"Well, if you need to talk, I've been told I'm a great listener."

Rebecca smiled. 

"Yes, I know you are." Rebecca sighed. 

 She knew of all people Vincent would understand. 

"If things don't blow over, you'll be the first I go to." She said giving a shaky smile. 

A few weeks later Rebecca paused as she heard talking drifting out of Father's chamber. 

"Perhaps we can do without the candles this year. Maybe just pass out handwritten invitations instead."  Mary sighed as Rebecca walked into Father's chamber. 

 She didn't mean to interrupt a council meeting, but she knew the discussion of Winterfest would be the main topic. 

  "I can make them." Rebecca answered softly. 

The adults all froze to stare at Rebecca. 

"You sure you know how?" Father asked unconvinced. 

"I've been watching my momma for years. I know the steps. They may be simple and only one color this year. I will practice and next year they will be better."

"We should allow her to try. What do we have to lose?" Mary interjected. 

"Please let me try? This is a way I can honor my momma." Rebecca stated as she quickly wiped a tear. 

Father looked at Rebecca with compassion. 

"Alright. You may make the candles. Just promise me that you will stop if it's too much. We can always figure something else out."

Rebecca let out the sigh she didn't realize she'd been holding. 

"I'll get to work first thing in the morning." 

"We will make sure all the supplies are there." Mary stated as she pulled the thirteen year old into a hug. 

Early the next morning Rebecca quietly got dressed. By the sound of the pipes, she was the only one awake. 

  Rebecca tiptoed past the dining chamber. The sounds of pots and pans rattling let her know that William was just beginning to get breakfast ready. 

I have a good hour before he will be serving. 

She walked into the candle making chamber and let the memories flow. She gently caressed the wicks to be used. A paper on a bench caught her attention.

   The paper was a list of how many candles needed for the Great Hall and for every resident and helper. Her eyes grew wide at the total number of candles needed. 

 2000 candles??? I'm crazy to think I could make that many. 

 "Momma, how did you make so many at once?" She exclaimed out loud. 

"She didn't. She worked on it for months." Mary said gently as she put her arm around the girl. 

"We're going to help you." Mary matter of factly stated. 

"We?" Rebecca asked 

Mary nodded to the chamber entrance behind her. Rebecca turned around to see a dozen women standing just inside the chamber.

"We should all shoulder the work. I helped your mother a couple times." Sarah spoke up. 

Their offer to help brought tears to Rebecca's eyes. She quickly pushed back the tears.

Figures Ruth wouldn't be offering to help. She thought angrily. 

She shook the negative thought away, and spoke up.

"Well, let's get to work." 

"Sarah, you said you've helped my mom. Do you know how to get multiple colors on the candle?" She continued.

Sarah smiled. 

"Yes,I know how. What colors were you thinking?"

Well, my mom's favorite color was blue, so I was thinking baby blue and white?" 

Sarah nodded. 

"Blue and white it is."

The work started slow with trial and error. The first batch looked clumsy and lopsided. 

"Perhaps we should not use these." Rebecca said before biting her bottom lip. 

"Nonsense.We will use these around the Great Hall. No one will notice. If they do, then that's on them." Mary said, patting Rebecca's shoulder. 

 Each batch turned out better than the previous

 batch. In no time they were working as if they've done it all their lives.

"LOOK what I found!" Sarah excitedly exclaimed as she entered the chamber a week later holding a spool of ribbon.

Rebecca and the other women gasped in amazement. 

"Oh, Sarah! It's beautiful. Where did you ever find it?" Rebecca asked as she touched the glittery silver ribbon. 

"A helper gave it to me years ago. I was waiting for the perfect reason to use it. The candles will look gorgeous with this ribbon tied around them." Sarah smiled with glee. 

The excitement and eagerness to place the ribbons rushed through the group of women. 

  "Father, the candles are so beautiful this year." A helper stated as the music played lively at Winterfest. 

"Oh yes, I was sad at the thought of lighting them." Another helper interrupted. 

Father swelled with pride.

"This was Rebecca's doing."

"I heard my name." Rebecca stated as she was passing by.

"We were just complimenting Father about the candles. They're so beautiful. He said you did them yourself."

Rebecca blushed and shook her head. 

"Oh, No. I had help. They were remarkable and so helpful."

 "Rebecca, what happens to the leftover candles after Winterfest?" A new helper asked. 

"Well, if it's a special year, some people keep theirs. Like if it's someone's first Winterfest, first Winterfest as a married couple, or had a baby since Winterfest. Otherwise, we add them to our usual day to day candles. We don't allow any to go to waste.  I kept last year's, since it was the last one my mother made. I'll also keep one from this year. However I want one of my lopsided ones as a sweet reminder of my first attempt.." Rebecca giggled as she pointed to the back walls. 

5 years later

"Finished for another year." Rebecca sighed as she wiped the loose strand of hair off her forehead. 

"These are beautiful." Jamie said as she returned her empty basket of delivered candles. 

"Thank you. I think they're the best I've ever made." She grinned at thirteen year old Jamie. 

"It's strange. While making them I can't wait to be finished. Yet when I'm finished, I'm sad that it's over for another year." She laughed. 

"I best be freshening up. Dinner will be ready soon."

 It had been a few weeks since their eighteenth birthday, and Rebecca was relieved Ruth hadn't mentioned anything else about leaving. 

 Rebecca entered their chamber to see a note on Ruth's bed. 

 "Dear Rebecca,

 When you read this, I'll be gone."

Rebecca fell onto bed and tried to calm her breathing and shaking hands before continuing. 

"I've met someone, and we are going out West. Maybe to Montana or Colorado. I hope you have a good and happy life. 


Rebecca thought hard.

The Carousel!!

Rebecca threw on some extra layers, and ran as fast as she could to the carousel. 

"RUTH RUTH, WAIT!!" she yelled as she saw her sister in the distance. 

Ruth stopped and turned around. She sat her suitcase down, and waited for her sister. 

"You're leaving without saying goodbye?" Rebecca accused. 

Ruth rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. 

"You KNEW I was leaving. I've been talking about it practically all my life. Now, I'm 18, getting married, and going out West to live my dream. What else did you expect?"

"I was hoping you'd change your mind." Rebecca squeaked trying to talk past the lump in her throat. 

"You knew that would never happen." Ruth nervously picked her suitcase up. 

A sharp whistle sounded beyond the Carousel. 

"Time to go." Ruth said heading toward the Whistle.

"I love you Ruth. Please keep in touch."

Ruth never answered, as she ran to the tall man waiting for her.

Rebecca sat on the bench at the Carousel and watched her sister leave. She never noticed the sun disappear. She was so grief stricken about her sister that she never noticed the night getting colder and darker. 

 "It's too cold out here." Vincent said softly as he placed his cloak around her shoulders. 

She snuggled into his cloak, and let the tears flow. 

He sat beside her and just let her cry. It wasn't long before he noticed her teeth chattering. 

 "Come, let's go home. I'll fix you some tea and we can talk." He said as stood and offered to help her up. 

She nodded, placed her hands in his as he gently helped her stand. 

  She leaned against his tall frame, and sighed. 

 "Vincent, you really are the best big brother in the whole world."

 Vincent smiled slightly as they walked home. 

  The End. Or is it?

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