Sunday, February 12, 2023

Going Above

  First in the "Deleted Scenes" series.

 "VINCENT!" Catherine yelled at his retreating form. 

 This is it. I'm on my own. She sighs. 

How am I going to walk through the lobby? What will I say when I'm stared at in the elevator? Catherine pulls the scarf a little tighter to hide the stitches. 

   OH NO! What about at work? What will my friends think? My dad? I can't do this. She places her hand on the ladder rung. 

  She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. 

 "You have the strength Catherine. You do." 

  Vincent's words echoed through her head like a drum. 

 OK Vincent. I will show you that you're right." She whispered as she climbed up the ladder to face her world. 

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  On Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 08:00:57 AM PST, Angela McQuiston <> wrote:                                 ...