Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Donation

                           Dedicated to my nephew, Xander, for being the inspiration for this story. 

Vincent sat in shock. 

Did I just hear correctly?

 "Come on, Dad, pleeeease?" Ten-year-old Jacob begged. 

Catherine took a long look at her son standing before them. His brown eyes held so much hope, while his hand held a pair of scissors. 

"I want to donate it, Dad.  There are so many children without hair. Mom said herself that it's getting difficult to keep my hair manageable." He glanced at his Mom for help. 

She placed her hand on Vincent's shoulder. "It will grow back, dear. It's not hurting anything, and think of all those children who would get a boost of confidence."

Vincent sighed. He knew he was beaten. "All right. How will you donate it?"

"We pull it back in a ponytail like this." Catherine pulled Jacob's wet waist- length hair in a ponytail. "Now we cut it, and I'm sure Lou can send it off."

Vincent took a deep breath and took the scissors from his excited son.

"Hey, Dad, did you know that Wigs for Kids don't charge families for wigs? And did you know anyone 21 and under can get a wig? I sure hope my hair goes to help lots of kids."

"I'm sure it will, son," Vincent said as he began to cut Jacob's hair. 

Six months later, in a Children's Hospital.

"Look, Mommy, I have pretty blonde hair again." The little 5-year-old girl grinned as she twirled and spun around in circles. 

 "Yes, Catherine. You have beautiful hair again," Her mother said as tears fell down her cheeks. 

"Thank you!" the mother whispered to the unknown donor.

                                  The End

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